Fatma Abdulla
Name of Shop: Caftan Fatma Abdulla Ladies Tailoring and Design Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/designercaftanfatmaabdulla/ E-mail: [email protected] Address: Wafi Mall khan murjan shop 6130 Direct Number: +971 52 692 9359
Name of Shop: Caftan Fatma Abdulla Ladies Tailoring and Design Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/designercaftanfatmaabdulla/ E-mail: [email protected] Address: Wafi Mall khan murjan shop 6130 Direct Number: +971 52 692 9359
Country-City:Dubai ,UAE Brand Name:DUHAFASHION Project Summery Description:Fashion designer,passionate about fashion. graduated from Esmode 2001, I design a unique range of evening dresses with high quality . حى أبوشعر مصمة...
Name: Meriem Ben Amor Country/City:UAE - Dubai Brand Name:Trésors de Mimi Project Summery Description: Born in 2016, Trésors de Mimi is a modern fashion brand with oriental roots. Trésors de...
Name: Rasha Georges Alkhouri رشا جورج الخوري Country: Amman, Jordan عمّان – الاردن Brand Name: Sugar Fairy Project Summery Description: It all started when I was in KSA back in...
Name: Terracotta - تيراكوتا Manager : ensherah shaban Country-City: Jordan-...
MyFkra is the first Middle East Hub for Arab Creative Women. It’s a organization that seeks to aid each ambitious and proactive woman into transforming her business idea into reality. Our purpose is to support women with their ideas in order to build a unique brand name and business model. This can be achieved through planning, organizing, and executing their business plans and concepts. MyFkra provides a platform upon which ideas come to light via finding the right opportunities, linking idea-generators to investors, creating a collaboration circle and using different techniques to bullet-proof each idea.
وأنت تنظر إلى نسائها ينتابك شعور غامض بالقهر والغبطة معا، تشعر بقوّتهن وضعفهن، نساء مصقولات بالرمل منحوتات بالتعب والشغف. زكية الكردي التي …
سلمى حمد المري إنسانة من شغف لا تعرف الكلل ولا الملل، لا تغيب ابتسامتها عن وجهها رغم كل شيء وكأنها تساوم بها …
فاليا أبو الفضل فنانة تقطف وجع الوجوه وتزرعه فرحا ملوّنا لتحصد في المحصلة إنجازا يضجّ بالشغف والحياة. تراها جادة في مسعاها تنكبّ …
Candy shop Syria -We are three brothers pharmacists (Nour,noureen ,and …
Name: Menna Hamza Country/City:Handmade in Egypt, and available in Egypt and …
Name of Shop: Caftan Fatma Abdulla Ladies Tailoring and Design …
A description of what “MyFkra” is all about, who is behind it, and who are the dynamos that contribute to it.
A platform to display the unique artistic creations of Arab ladies every month. Moreover, one will soon be able to strike a deal by purchasing the lovely creations.
Here, MyFkra will feature an artist each month which will display her art, a description of her current & upcoming work, and a reportage about the creative work. Topics covered: art, design, music, and photography.
In this section, an interview with a creative woman will be conducted on a regular basis. She will tell us about her talents, mission & vision. Moreover, there will also be a regular interview with an ‘achiever’ woman that influenced the society and left her footprint in a special/ creative way. The featured women would act as a role models whereby, other women strive to reach their level of achievement.
In the Blog, MyFkra dynamos will be sharing their thoughts, and current work. You will find: 1) Doctors who will provide weekly tips, 2) Fashion Consultants that will give a weekly tip related to fashion and shopping, 3) Writers and Journalists who will talk about issues concerning motherhood and how to deal with children, and 4) Various weekly news articles about women related matters such as events, products, etc.
A description of what “MyFkra” is all about, who is behind it, and who are the dynamos that contribute to it.
See the latest women-related activities and events happening in the region. View photos and reportages of events that support women.
A platform to display the unique artistic creations of Arab ladies every month. Moreover, one will soon be able to strike a deal by purchasing the lovely creations.
Here, MyFkra will feature an artist each month which will display her art, a description of her current & upcoming work, and a reportage about the creative work. Topics covered: art, design, music, and photography.
In this section, an interview with a creative woman will be conducted on a regular basis. She will tell us about her talents, mission & vision. Moreover, there will also be a regular interview with an ‘achiever’ woman that influenced the society and left her footprint in a special/ creative way. The featured women would act as a role models whereby, other women strive to reach their level of achievement.
In the Blog, MyFkra dynamos will be sharing their thoughts, and current work. You will find: 1) Doctors who will provide weekly tips, 2) Fashion Consultants that will give a weekly tip related to fashion and shopping, 3) Writers and Journalists who will talk about issues concerning motherhood and how to deal with children, and 4) Various weekly news articles about women related matters such as events, products, etc.